Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと







 私は兄とはまったく異なる経験をしました。巡礼の旅で、私は恵みに満ちた教会と、私の疑いを安全に受け入れてくれる場所を作ってくれるクリスチャンを見つけました。福音書には、イエスの弟子トマスが、イエスの復活についての彼らの話を信じることができなかったにもかかわらず、他の弟子たちと付き合っていたこと、そして、イエスがトマスの信仰を強めるために現れたのは、その共同体の中にであったことが記されています。同じように、キャンパス・ライフ・マガジン、その後のクリスチャニティー ・トゥデイ、シカゴのラサール・ストリート教会の友人や同僚たちは、私の信仰が揺らいだときに私を支えてくれる避難所を作ってくれました。孤独な疑い深い人たちに私は同情します。私たちは皆、信頼できる疑いの仲間を必要としています。



 Over time, I have grown more comfortable with mystery rather than certainty. God does not twist arms and never forces us into a corner with faith as the only exit. We will always, with Pascal, see “too much to deny and too little to be sure.”

     I look to Jesus, God laid bare to human view, for proof of God’s refusal to twist arms. Jesus often made it harder, not easier, for people to believe. He never violated an individual’s freedom to decide, even to decide against him.

    The church environment I grew up in had no room for doubt. “Just believe!” they told us. Anyone who strayed risked punishment as a deviant. In Bible college my brother received an F on a speech that, in the 1960s, had the effrontery to suggest that rock music is not inherently immoral. Although my brother was a classical musician who in fact had no taste for rock music, he could find no biblical support for the arguments about rock music made at that school.

    I have heard my brother speak many times—he was a competitive debater—and saw the notes for his presentation, and have no doubt that he received an F for one reason: the teacher disagreed with his conclusion. More, the teacher concluded that God disagreed with his conclusion. My brother left the school. He also left the faith, and has never returned—in large part, I believe, because he did not observe truth setting people free and never found a church that makes room for prodigals.

    I had a very different experience from my brother’s. In my pilgrimage I found a grace-filled church and Christians who formed a safe place for my doubts. I note in the Gospels that Jesus’ disciple Thomas kept company with the other disciples even though he could not believe their accounts of Jesus’ resurrection, and it was amid that community that Jesus appeared in order to strengthen Thomas’s faith. In a similar way, my friends and colleagues at Campus Life magazine, then Christianity Today, and LaSalle Street Church in Chicago created a haven of acceptance that carried me along when my faith wavered. I feel sad for lonely doubters; we all need trustworthy doubt companions.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)