Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと










 Having said so many laudatory things about doubt, I need also acknowledge that doubt may lead a person away from faith rather than toward it. In my case, doubt has prompted me to question many things that need questioning and also to investigate alternatives to faith, none of which measure up. I remain a Christian today due to my doubts. For many others, though, doubt has had the opposite effect, working like a nerve disease to cause a slow and painful spiritual paralysis. Nearly every week I answer a letter from someone tormented by doubts. Their suffering is as acute and debilitating as any suffering I know.

     Although we cannot control doubt, we can learn to channel it in ways that make doubt more likely to be nourishing than toxic. For starters, I try to approach my doubts with the humility appropriate to my creaturely status.

     Our approach to difficult issues should befit our status as finite creatures. Take the doctrine of God’s sovereignty, taught in the Bible in such a way that it stands in unresolved tension with human freedom. God’s perspective as an all-powerful being who sees all of history at once, rather than unfolding second by second, will always baffle theologians simply because that point of view is unattainable to us, even unimaginable by us. The best physicists in the world struggle to explain the multidirectional arrows of time. A humble approach accepts that difference in perspective and worships a God who transcends our limitations.

     Of course, we must and should investigate some of the issues occupying the margins of doctrine. I have found consolation, for example, in the depiction in The Great Divorce of hell as a place that people choose, and continue to choose even when they end up there. As Milton’s Satan put it, “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.” Still, I must insist that the most important questions about heaven and hell—who goes where, whether there are second chances, what form the judgments and rewards take, intermediate states after death—are opaque to us at best. More and more, I am grateful for that ignorance, and grateful that the God revealed in Jesus is the one who determines the answers.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)