Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと



 本を書き始めるとき、私はマチェーテ(ナタの一種)を手に取り、ジャングルを切り開き始めます。他の人のために道を切り開くためではなく、自分自身の道を見つけるためです。誰かついてくるだろうか? 道に迷ってしまっただろうか? 執筆中にこれらの質問の答えがわかることは決してありません。ただマチェーテを振り回しているだけです。





 When I begin a book, I take up a machete and start hacking my way through the jungle, not to clear a trail for others, rather to find a path through for myself. Will anyone follow? Have I lost my way? I never know the answers to those questions as I write; I just keep swinging the machete.

    That image is not quite accurate, however. In carving my path I am following a map laid out by many others, the “great cloud of witnesses” who have preceded me. My struggles with faith have at least this in their favor: they come from a long, distinguished line. I find kindred expressions of doubt and confusion in the Bible itself. Sigmund Freud accused the church of teaching only questions that it can answer. Some churches may do that, but God surely does not. In books like Job, Ecclesiastes, and Habakkuk, the Bible poses blunt questions that have no answers.

     As I investigate, I find that great saints also encountered many of the same roadblocks, detours, and dead ends that I experience and that my correspondents express. Modern churches tend to feature testimonies of spiritual successes, never failures, which only makes the strugglers in the pew feel worse. Yet delve a bit deeper into church history and you will find a different story, of those who strain to swim upstream like spawning fish.

    I mention this not to dampen anyone’s faith but to add a dose of realism to spiritual propaganda that promises more than it can deliver. In an odd way the very failures of the church prove its doctrine. Grace, like water, flows to the lowest part. We in the church have humility and contrition to offer the world, not a formula for success. Almost alone in our success-oriented society, we admit that we have failed, are failing, and always will fail. That is why we turn to God so desperately.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)