Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと





 遠くから訪ねてきてくれたり、電話をくれたりしました… 素晴らしい食事を持ってきてくれました。私たちに代わって用事を済ませ、自分の物はあとまわしにして、私たちの壊れた物を修理してくれました。私たちの散歩道の雪かきをし、郵便物を運び、ゴミを捨ててくれました。そして、私たちの時間を明るくするために愛の贈り物を持ってきてくれました。


 そして、あなた方はどれほど祈ったことでしょう!!! 毎日、毎月、そして毎年、その祈りは私たちを元気づけ、特に困難な状況を乗り越えさせ、人間には不可能な強さを与え、私たちが自力で神の資源を求めるのを助けてくれました。いつか私たちは、なぜノームの完全な治癒がここで起こらなかったのかを理解するでしょう。しかし、私たちは、彼がALS患者の標準よりもずっと長く、ずっと良い状態で私たちと一緒にいたことを知っています。愛という言葉では、あなた方に対する私たちの気持ちを伝えるのに十分ではありません!




 I received a copy of a letter from a woman who experienced the healing touch of the body of Christ. For seven years she ministered to her husband, a well-known church musician afflicted with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. He died, and on the first anniversary of his death, the widow sent out a letter of gratitude to her many friends at church. It read, in part:

    Ever since the first symptoms of ALS appeared, you have surrounded us with love and support. You have cheered us with innumerable notes and letters and cards.

    You visited and phoned, often from faraway places…. You brought marvelous food. You ran errands for us and repaired our broken things while yours waited. You shoveled our walks, brought our mail, dumped our trash. And you brought gifts of love to brighten our hours.

    You “doctored” … and even repaired a tooth right here in our home. You did ingenious things that made life easier for both of us, like the “coughing jacket” and signal switch that Norm was able to use until the last few days of his life. You shared Scripture verses with us and some of you made it your ministry to pray for those who came to our home regularly to give respiratory treatments. You made him feel like he was still a vital part of the music ministry.

    And how you prayed!!! Day after day, month after month, even year after year! Those prayers buoyed us up, lifted us through particularly hard places, gave us strength that would have been humanly impossible to have, and helped us to reach out on our own for God’s resources. Someday we’ll understand why Norm’s perfect healing did not take place here. But we do know that he was with us much longer and in much better condition than is the norm for an ALS victim. Love is not a strong enough word to tell you how we feel about you!

    This widow’s fellow church members had became the presence of God for her. Because of their loving concern, she was not tormented by doubts over whether God loved her. She could sense his love in the human touch of Christ’s body, her local church.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)