Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと



 北欧神話、自然、ワーグナーの音楽などの楽しみを通してもう一つの世界の現実に目覚めた C. S. ルイスから、私は健康的なライフスタイルへのアプローチを学びました。彼は、私たちの憧れの中に、その世界の噂だけでなく「事前共鳴」を感じ取りました。彼は、美しさのきらめきや甘さの痛みは、「その物そのものではなく、まだ見ていない花の香り、聞いたことのない曲の反響、まだ訪れたことのない国からの知らせにすぎない」と言いました。

 私は、地上で見逃しているかもしれない手がかりを認識するために、花の香りを嗅ぎ、メロディーを聴く必要があることに気づきました。私の意識は、いのちを自然と超自然、または霊的なものと非霊的なものに分けることをやめ、代わりに、神が意図した統一をもたらすために、それら 2 つを組み合わせる方法を探すようになりました。





 I learned a healthy approach to lifestyle from C. S. Lewis, who had awakened to the reality of another world through such pleasures as Nordic myths, nature, and Wagnerian music. He sensed in our longings not just rumors but “advance echoes” of that world. Flashes of beauty and pangs of aching sweetness, he said, “are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.”

     I realized I needed to smell some flowers and listen to some melodies in order to recognize what clues I might be missing on earth. My attention turned from dividing life into natural and supernatural, or spiritual and unspiritual, and instead I sought a way to combine the two, to bring about the unity that, as I increasingly believed, God intended.

    What pleasures do I enjoy? I asked myself. I find a strange thrill in wildness. Dashing down to the safety of timberline over slippery mountain rock as the thunder clouds roll in and lightning bolts strike closer. Coming face to face with a grizzly bear on a trail and realizing that not a single decision I make matters; the bear controls the options. Visiting exotic cultures where I can identify nothing that I eat, smell, or hear. Oh, I enjoy domesticated pleasures also: gourmet coffee, high-fat ice cream, peaches and blueberries picked at the orchards. And now that I live in the country, I miss the cultural fare of the city: foreign movies, fine music, theater productions that stay with me for days.

     I began to listen to my own longings as rumors of another world, a bright clue to the nature of the Creator. Somehow I had fallen for the deception of judging the natural world as unspiritual and God as anti-pleasure. But God invented matter, after all, including all the sensors in the body through which I feel pleasure. Nature and supernature are not two separate worlds, but different expressions of the same reality.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)