Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと




 私の妻はシカゴ市で最も貧しい人々と一緒に働き、ラサール ストリート教会のプログラムを指導し、誰も世話をしてくれない孤独で見捨てられた高齢者を意図的に探し出しました。私は、彼女が高齢者の生活に身を捧げ、生きるか死ぬかは重要だと高齢者を説得しようとするのを何度も見てきました。そのようにして、彼女は彼らの苦しみを「楽にする」のです。

 ジャネットが一緒に働いていた 90 歳のクライダー氏は、20 年間白内障手術を拒否していました。70 歳のとき、彼は見る価値のあるものなど何もないと決め、いずれにせよ、神が彼を盲目にしたのなら、神は彼を盲目にしたかったに違いないと考えていました。若いときに女の子を見たことに対する神の罰なのかもしれません、と彼は言いました。

 私の妻は、クライダー氏に白内障手術を受けるよう説得するのに 2 年間の説得と議論と粘り強さと愛情を費やしました。ついに、クルーダー氏は同意しましたが、理由はただ一つ、ジャネットが、彼が視力を取り戻すことが彼女にとって重要なのだと彼に印象づけたからでです。クルーダー氏は人生を諦めていました。人生は彼にとって意味のないものでした。しかし、ジャネットは意味を伝えました。92歳になっても諦めなかったクルーダー氏が、その人にとっては大きな違いをもたらしました。ついに老人は手術に同意しました。




 Sometimes the only meaning we can offer a suffering person is the assurance that their suffering, which has no apparent meaning for them, has a meaning for us.

    My wife worked with some of the poorest people in the city of Chicago, directing a program of LaSalle Street Church that intentionally seeks out lonely and abandoned senior citizens no one else cares for. Many times I have seen her pour herself into a senior citizen’s life, trying to convince the senior that it matters whether he or she lives or dies. In such a way she “graces” their suffering.

    One man Janet worked with, ninety-year-old Mr. Kruider, refused cataract surgery for twenty years. At age seventy he had decided that nothing much was worth looking at and, anyhow, God must have wanted him blind if he made him that way. Maybe it was God’s punishment for looking at girls as a youngster, he said.

    It took my wife two years of cajoling, arguing, persisting, and loving to convince Mr. Kruider to have cataract surgery. Finally, Mr. Kruider agreed, for one reason only: Janet impressed on him that it mattered to her, Janet, that he regain his sight. Mr. Kruider had given up on life; it held no meaning for him. But Janet transferred a meaning. It made a difference to someone that even at age ninety-two Mr. Kruider not give up. At long last the old man agreed to the surgery.

    In a literal sense, Janet shared Mr. Kruider’s suffering. By visiting so often she convinced him that someone cared, and that it mattered whether he lived or died or had sight or not. That principle of shared suffering is the thesis of Henri Nouwen’s book on the wounded healer, and perhaps the only sure contribution we can make to the meaning of suffering. In doing so, we follow God’s pattern, who also took on pain. God joined us and lived a life of more suffering and poverty than most of us will ever know. Suffering can never ultimately be meaningless, because God has shared it.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)