Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと







 Early in his life, Dostoevsky underwent a virtual resurrection. He had been arrested for belonging to a group judged treasonous by Tsar Nicholas I, who, to impress upon the young parlor radicals the gravity of their errors, sentenced them to death and staged a mock execution. A firing squad stood at the ready. Bareheaded, robed in white burial shrouds, hands bound tightly behind them, they were paraded through the snow before a gawking crowd. At the very last instant, as the order, “Ready, aim!” was heard and rifles were cocked and lifted, a horseman galloped up with a message from the tsar: he would mercifully commute their sentences to hard labor.

    Dostoevsky never recovered from this experience. He had peered into the maw of death, and from that moment life became for him precious beyond all calculation. “Now my life will change,” he said; “I shall be born again in a new form.” As he boarded the convict train toward Siberia, a devout woman handed him a New Testament, the only book allowed in prison. Believing that God had given him a second chance to fulfill his calling, Dostoevsky pored over that New Testament during his confinement. After ten years he emerged from exile with unshakable Christian convictions, as expressed in a letter to the woman who had given him the New Testament, “If anyone proved to me that Christ was outside the truth … then I would prefer to remain with Christ than with the truth.”

    Prison offered Dostoevsky another opportunity, which at first seemed a curse: it forced him to live at close quarters with thieves, murderers, and drunken peasants. His shared life with these prisoners later led to unmatched characterizations in his novels, such as that of the murderer Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky’s liberal view of the inherent goodness in humanity could not account for the pure evil he found in his cell mates, and his theology had to adjust to this new reality. Over time, though, he also glimpsed the image of God in the lowest of prisoners. He came to believe that only through being loved is a human being capable of love.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin) 

トルストイ vs ドストエフスキー




 トルストイの伝記作家 A. N. ウィルソンは、「彼の宗教は究極的には恩寵というよりは律法であり、堕落した世界に浸透する神のビジョンというよりは人類の向上のための計画であった」と述べている。トルストイは神の理想の光の中で自分の不十分さを澄み切って見ることはできましたが、その不十分さを克服するために神の恩寵を信頼するという、それ以上のステップに進むことはできなかったのです。





 I feel sad as I read Tolstoy’s religious writings. The X-ray vision into the human heart that made him a great novelist also made him a tortured Christian. Like a spawning salmon, he fought upstream all his life, in the end collapsing from moral exhaustion.

    Yet I also feel grateful to Tolstoy, for his relentless pursuit of authentic faith has made an indelible impression upon me. I first came across his novels during a period when I was suffering the delayed effects of “church abuse.” The churches I grew up in contained too many frauds, or at least that is how I saw it in the arrogance of youth. When I noted the rift between the ideals of the gospel and the flaws of its followers, I was sorely tempted to abandon those ideals as hopelessly unattainable.

    Then I discovered Tolstoy. He was the first author who, for me, accomplished that most difficult of tasks: to make good as believable and appealing as evil. I found in his novels, fables, and short stories a source of moral power.

    A. N. Wilson, a biographer of Tolstoy, remarks that “his religion was ultimately a thing of Law rather than of Grace, a scheme for human betterment rather than a vision of God penetrating a fallen world.” With crystalline clarity Tolstoy could see his own inadequacy in the light of God’s Ideal. But he could not take the further step of trusting God’s grace to overcome that inadequacy.

    Shortly after reading Tolstoy I discovered his countryman Fyodor Dostoevsky. These two, the most famous and accomplished of all Russian writers, lived and worked during the same period of history. Though they read each other’s work with admiration, they never met, and perhaps it was just as well—they were opposites in every way. Where Tolstoy wrote bright, sunny novels, Dostoevsky wrote brooding, interior ones. Where Tolstoy worked out ascetic schemes for self-improvement, Dostoevsky periodically squandered his health and fortune on alcohol and gambling.

    Dostoevsky made many mistakes in life, but achieved an amazing feat in art. His novels communicate grace and forgiveness, the heart of the Christian gospel, with a Tolstoyan force.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin) 











 By any measure Tolstoy’s quest for holiness ended in disappointment. In short, he failed to practice what he preached. His wife put it well (in an obviously biased account):

    There is so little genuine warmth about him; his kindness does not come from his heart, but merely from his principles. His biographies will tell of how he helped the laborers to carry buckets of water, but no one will ever know that he never gave his wife a rest and never—in all these thirty-two years—gave his child a drink of water or spent five minutes by his bedside to give me a chance to rest a little from all my labors.

    Tolstoy’s ardent strides toward perfection never resulted in any semblance of peace or serenity. Up to the moment of his death the diaries and letters kept circling back to the rueful theme of failure, exposing the vast gap between the high ideals of the gospel and the sad actuality of his own life.

    Leo Tolstoy was a deeply unhappy man. He fulminated against the Russian Orthodox Church of his day and earned their excommunication. His schemes for self-improvement all foundered. At times he had to hide the ropes on his estate and put away his guns in order to resist the temptation toward suicide. In the end, Tolstoy fled from his fame, his family, his estate, his identity; he died like a vagrant in a rural railroad station.

    In view of such failures, what can I possibly learn from the tragic life of Leo Tolstoy? I have read many of his religious writings, and without fail I come away inspired by his reverence for God’s absolute Ideal. Tolstoy reminds us that, contrary to those who say the gospel solves our problems, in many areas—justice issues, money issues, race issues, personal issues of pride and ambition—the gospel actually adds to our burdens. Tolstoy took as dead-serious Jesus’ question, “What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?”

    A man willing to liberate his serfs and give away his possessions in simple obedience to Christ’s command is not easy to dismiss. If only Tolstoy could live up to those ideals—if only I could live up to them.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin) 






 ヨブのように、私は観察や議論ではなく、出会いを通してその結論に達しました。「このような世界では、神は私の疑問を理解できるはずですよね」とナチス強制収容所のオランダ人囚人エティ・ヒレスムは尋ねました。神がそうしてくださると私は信じています。その理由の 1 つは、神が私たちに対して与えてくださる啓示の中に、まさにそうした疑問を雄弁に表現したものが含まれているからです。



 On a trip to Japan I found myself late at night in a pastor’s study in one of the largest churches in Tokyo. I had flown in that morning and had already endured a rigorous day of meetings. I wanted to check into my hotel room and go to sleep, but Japanese hospitality required this courtesy visit.

    The pastor pulled out a sheaf of papers and, through an interpreter, told me that during his entire career he had worried over this one issue but was afraid of speaking to anyone about it.

    For the next twenty minutes without interruption the pastor poured out the agony he felt over the 99 percent of Japanese who had not accepted Jesus. Would they all burn in hell because of their ignorance? He had heard of theologians who believed in people having a second chance after death and knew the mysterious passage in 1 Peter about Jesus preaching to those in Hades. Some theologians he had read seemed to believe in universal salvation although certain passages in the Bible indicated otherwise. Could I offer him any hope?

    Thinking aloud, I mentioned that God causes the sun to rise on the just and unjust and has no desire that anyone should perish. God’s Son on earth spent his last strength praying for his enemies. We discussed the view of hell presented in C. S. Lewis’s intriguing fantasy The Great Divorce, which shows people like Napoleon who have a second chance after death but opt against it. “Thy will be done,” says God reluctantly to those who make a final rejection.

    “I do not know the answer to your questions,” I said at last. “But I believe strongly that at the end of time no one will be able to stand before God and say ‘You were unfair!’ However history settles out, it will settle on the side of justice tempered by mercy.”

    Like Job, I reached that conclusion not through observation or argument but through encounter. “Surely God will be able to understand my doubts in a world like this, won’t He?” asked the Dutch prisoner Etty Hillesum from a Nazi concentration camp. I believe God will, in part because God’s revelation to us includes eloquent expressions of those very doubts.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin) 


 それでも、詩篇から壮大な神学の突風を記録した後、ヘブル人への手紙の著者(正体は不明)は立ち止まって考え直しているようだ。 「現在、私たちはすべてが彼に従うのを見ていません。」 キリスト教徒が逮捕され、拷問され、刑務所に放り込まれる世界が本当にキリストに従う世界なのでしょうか?
第 2 章では、イエスが地上に来た 2 つの強力な理由が示されています。第一に、イエスは死ぬことによって私たちを死の力から解放し、永遠の命を獲得しました。第二に、エスは普通の人間の誘惑を経験することによって、私たち自身の誘惑をよりよく助けることができます。



 Are religions all that different?” skeptics ask. “Isn’t the most important thing to be sincere in whatever you believe?” Such “modern” questions have in fact been debated for thousands of years. The book of Hebrews is written in response to people of the early church torn between the Jewish religion and the new faith of Christianity.

    Some favor sticking with the familiar routine of Judaism, which has centuries-old traditions behind it. Another advantage: the Jews of the day enjoy Rome’s official protection, while Christians are subject to persecution. Is faith in Christ worth the risk?

    Hebrews insists there are decisive reasons to choose Christ. The whole book revolves around the word better. Jesus is better than the angels or Moses or the Old Testament way—better than anything the world has to offer.

    Even so, after recording a gust of grand theology from the Psalms, the author of Hebrews (whose identity we don’t know) seems to pause and reconsider. “At present we do not see everything subject to him.” Could a world in which Christians are being arrested, tortured, and tossed into jail really be subject to Christ?

    From there, the author explains why it matters that God descended to the world and became a human being. He did not magically remove all human problems but rather subjected himself to the same hardships that any of us face. Hebrews goes further than any other New Testament book in explaining Jesus’ human nature.

    Chapter 2 gives two powerful reasons why Jesus came to earth. First, by dying, he freed us from the power of death and won for us eternal life. And second, by experiencing normal human temptations, he can better help us with our own temptations.

    No angel, and no God in distant heaven, could have accomplished those things. Jesus came, in effect, on a rescue mission to free humanity from slavery. Apart from Christ, we live in constant fear of death and in constant bondage to our failures, or sins. Only Jesus can set us free. That’s why he’s worth the risk.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin) 


 ヘブル人への手紙 10 章の最後の数段落は、ヘブル人への手紙の最初の読者について多くのことを明らかにしています。キリストに改宗したことで、彼らは虐待を受けました。財産の没収、公の場での侮辱、投獄さえありました。初期の頃は、彼らはそのような迫害を喜んで、さらには喜びをもって受け入れました。しかし、時が経ち、試練が続くにつれて、一部の人々は意気消沈し始めます。

 これらの落胆した人々にとって、ヘブル人への手紙 11 章は、「真の信仰」を構成するものは何かを思い出させてくれるので、心を打ちます。私たちは、信仰を魔法の公式のように考えたくなります。信仰を十分に奮い起こせば、金持ちになり、健康を保ち、祈りのすべてに自動的に答えが与えられ、満足した生活を送ることができる、と。しかし、ヘブル人への手紙の読者は、人生がそのようなきちんとした公式通りにはいかないことに気づき始めています。その証拠として、著者は旧約聖書の信仰の巨人たちの人生を丹念に振り返ります。 (ヘブル人への手紙 11 章を「信仰の殿堂」と呼ぶ人もいます。)


 この章から浮かび上がる信仰の姿は、簡単な公式には当てはまりません。時には信仰が勝利と栄誉につながります。時には、「どんな犠牲を払っても耐える」という毅然とした決意が必要です。ヘブル人への手紙 11 章は、ある種類の信仰が他の信仰より優れているとは主張していません。どちらも、神が究極の支配者であり、この世であれ来世であれ、約束は必ず守られるという信念に基づいています。そのような人々について、ヘブル書はこう述べています。「神は彼らの神と呼ばれても恥じない。彼らのために都を用意しておられるからである。」



 The last few paragraphs of Hebrews 10 reveal much about the original readers of Hebrews. Converting to Christ has brought them abuse: confiscation of property, public insult, and even imprisonment. In the early days they accepted such persecution gladly, even joyfully. But as time has gone on, and the trials continue, some are beginning to lose heart.

    To these discouraged people, Hebrews 11 presents a stirring reminder of what constitutes “true faith.” It’s tempting to think of faith as a kind of magic formula: if you muster up enough of it, you’ll get rich, stay healthy, and live a contented life, with automatic answers to all your prayers. But the readers of Hebrews are discovering that life does not work according to such neat formulas. As proof, the author painstakingly reviews the lives of some Old Testament giants of faith. (Some have dubbed Hebrews 11 the “Faith Hall of Fame.”)

    “Without faith,” Hebrews says bluntly, “it is impossible to please God.” But the author uses rather pointed words in describing that faith: “persevere,” “endure,” “don’t lose heart.” As a result of their faith, some heroes triumphed: they routed armies, escaped the sword, survived lions. But others met less happy ends: they were flogged, chained, stoned, sawed in two. The chapter concludes, “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.”

    The picture of faith that emerges from this chapter does not fit into an easy formula. Sometimes faith leads to victory and triumph. Sometimes it requires a gritty determination to “hang on at any cost.” Hebrews 11 does not hold up one kind of faith as superior to the other. Both rest on the belief that God is in ultimate control and will indeed keep promises—whether that happens in this life or in the next. Of such people, Hebrews says, “God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.”


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin) 


 ヨブの例は、地上の生命が宇宙にどのように影響するかをはっきりと示しています。ヨブ記第 1 章で、サタンが、困難な状況になると人々はすぐに神を見捨てる非難すると、神がその挑戦を受け入れ、ヨブが試されることを許すという場面があります。私は、この神とサタンとの間の“賭け”とも言うべきシーンは、私たち全員に大きな希望のメッセージを与えていると考えるようになりました。おそらくヨブ記から得られる最も強力で永続的な教訓でしょう。最終的に、賭けは、一人の人間の信仰が本当に非常に重要であると断固として結論付けています。ヨブは、試練に対する私たちの反応が重要であると断言しています。人類の歴史、そして実際、私自身の信仰の歴史は、宇宙の歴史という大ドラマの中に閉じ込められています。

 聖書の中には、賭けのようなことが他の信者の間でも繰り広げられているというヒントがちらほらとあります。私たちは神の展示品 A であり、目に見えない世界の権力者に対する神の見せ物です。使徒パウロは、自分の姿を展示品になぞらえて次のように表現しました。「私たちは、天使にも人にも、全宇宙の見せ物とされました。」そして、驚くべきことに、加えて「私たちが天使を裁くことを知らないのですか。」とコメントしています。

 私たち人間は、観測可能な宇宙にある約 10 億の銀河のうちの 1 つにすぎない渦巻銀河の外縁にある小さな惑星に住んでいますが、新約聖書は、ここで私たちの間で起こることが、実際にその宇宙の未来を決定するのに役立つと主張しています。パウロは力説しています。「すべての被造物は、神の子らが本来の姿を取り戻すという素晴らしい光景を、つま先立ちで見ています。」苦しみと衰退の中で「うめき声」を上げている自然の創造物は、人間の変化によってのみ解放されることができるのです。



 Is it absurd to believe that one human being, a tiny dot on a tiny planet, can make a difference in the history of the universe? It certainly seemed so to Job’s friends. The opening and closing chapters of Job, however, prove that God was greatly affected by the response of one man and that cosmic issues were at stake. (Later, in a message to the prophet Ezekiel, God would point with pride to Job—along with Daniel and Noah—as one of his three favorites.)

    Job’s example, drawn in sharp relief, shows how life on earth affects the universe. I have come to believe that The Wager scene in chapter 1 [in which Satan charges that if times get tough people will quickly abandon God; God accepts the challenge and allows Job to be tested] offers a message of great hope to all of us—perhaps the most powerful and enduring lesson from Job. In the end, The Wager resolved decisively that the faith of a single human being counts for very much indeed. Job affirms that our response to testing matters. The history of mankind—and, in fact, my own individual history of faith—is enclosed within the great drama of the history of the universe.

    The Bible rustles with hints that something like The Wager is played out in other believers as well. We are God’s Exhibit A, his demonstration piece to the powers in the unseen world. The apostle Paul pictured himself on public display: “We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men.” And he commented, in an astonishing aside, “Do you not know that we will judge angels?”

    We humans inhabit a mere speck of a planet in the outer suburbs of a spiral galaxy that is only one of about a million million such galaxies in the observable universe, but the New Testament insists that what happens among us here will, in fact, help determine the future of that universe. Paul is emphatic: “The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the sons of God coming into their own.” Natural creation, “groaning” in travail and decay, can only be set free by the transformation of human beings.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)