Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと









 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21

    The Good Shepherd commands his sheep to follow him! Following Christ is an all-engaging commitment of one’s life and heart. Jesus says that this is how it must be; he must be the leader and controller of one’s life. Therefore, we must have holy hearts. The human desire is to manage our own lives; we are hesitant to release control because we might face unexpected demands or unpleasantness. But we are never safe until we have taken our hands off the control knob and have forfeited our right to ourselves, so that Jesus is in full control.

    If Jesus gains the right to spend us the way he pleases, there will be miracles in our lives. Just as he broke the five loaves and two fish, providing food to the multitude, so there will be fruit in our own lives. We will live as Jesus, who gave up his life for his sheep.

    For every person there comes a day when Jesus says, “Follow me.” Have you come to the place where you are ready to be a living sacrifice? Let Christ spill you, use you, and pour you out in the way he pleases. Let Jesus give you to whom he will. Take your hands off your life, and let him put his hands on your life.

    There is a world out there. Jesus has shown us the way to win it: his Father sent him to lay down his life. Now he is sending you.


(エマオの道で デニス・キンロー /This Day With The Master, Dennis Kinlaw )