Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと







 I recall a time in our marriage when Janet and I were at loggerheads about, well, almost everything. We were still sorting out power issues, and neither of us was giving much ground. Every decision, major or minor, escalated into a tug-of-war. Stymied, we agreed to try something that had never before worked for us: we would pray together. Each day we sat down and spilled out our inner selves to God. We prayed about those decisions, about the people we would contact that day, about our friends and family members. Our own power issues took on an entirely new light as we subjected ourselves to a Higher Power. We were now side by side before God, not facing each other in opposition. Twenty-five years later we keep up the practice.

    I wrote a book on the Old Testament, The Bible Jesus Read, in which I discussed the cursing psalms that called for revenge on enemies. I described a practice of taking a weekly “anger walk” on the hill behind my home, during which I would present to God the resentment I felt toward people who had wronged me. Forcing myself to open up deep feelings to God had a therapeutic effect. “Usually I come away feeling as if I have just released a huge burden,” I wrote in that book. “The unfairness no longer sticks like a thorn inside me, as it once did; I have expressed it aloud to someone—to God. Sometimes I find that in the process of expression, I grow in compassion. God’s Spirit speaks to me of my own selfishness, my judgmental spirit, my own flaws that others have treated with grace and forgiveness, my pitifully limited viewpoint.”

    I came across that passage just today and had the startling feeling that someone else had written it. You see, it has been several years since I have taken an anger walk. I still stroll on that hill. I check the fox den, look for signs of beetle damage on the Ponderosa pines, follow animal tracks in the snow. And I still pray, though now it would be more accurate to call them “praise walks.” In time, the anger melted away. Healing took place, even without my conscious awareness.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)