Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと





 信仰とは、「良くも悪くも、病気のときも健康なときも」神を愛し、何があっても神にしがみつくという誓いを立てることだと言えるかもしれません。幸いなことに、「見合い結婚の精神」は 2 つの方向に働きます。神はまた、私にあらかじめ約束してくださいます。信仰とは、神が同じ誓いを立てたと信じることを意味し、イエス・キリストがその証拠を示してくれます。神は私の成績に基づいて、条件付きで私を受け入れてくださるわけではありません。神は無条件に誓いを守られます。そこに恵みがあります。


To take one example, I have always found strange the modern theological fixation with the problem of suffering. People in our society live longer, in far better health, with less physical pain than any in history. Yet our artists, playwrights, philosophers, and theologians stumble over themselves in search of new ways to rephrase the ancient questions of Job. Why does God allow so much suffering? Why doesn’t God intervene? Significantly, the outcries do not come from the Third World—where misery abounds—or from persons like Alexander Solzhenitsyn who endured great suffering. The cry of anguish comes primarily from those of us in the comfortable, narcissistic West. In thinking through this odd trend, I keep coming back to the parallel of arranged marriages. In this view, we need “the spirit of arranged marriages” in our relationship with God. God made me the way I am: with my peculiar facial features, my handicaps and limitations, my body build, my mental capacity. I can spend my life resenting this quality or that one, and demanding that God change my “raw material.” Or I can humbly accept myself, flaws and all, as the raw material God can work with. I do not go in with a list of demands that must be met before I take the vow. Like a husband in an arranged marriage, I pre-commit to God regardless of how it may work out. This involves risk, of course. I am unsure of what the future will hold. You might say that faith means taking a vow “for better or worse, in sickness and health,” to love God and cling to God no matter what. Happily, “the spirit of arranged marriage” works two ways: God also pre-commits to me. Faith means believing God has taken that same vow, and Jesus Christ offers the proof. God does not accept me conditionally, on the basis of my performance. God keeps the vow regardless, and therein is grace.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)