私は技術革新に反対するラッダイトではありません。私のノートパソコンは、過去 20 年間に私が書いたすべての本のテキストと、その間に作成した何千ものメモにアクセスすることができます。私は山奥の別荘にこもっていますが、この同じコンピューターを使用して、ヨーロッパやアジアの友人にメッセージを送ります。毎月の請求書は電子的に支払っています。このように、そして他の方法で、私は技術と科学の恩恵をありがたく享受しています。
Søren Kierkegaard told a parable about a rich man riding in a lighted carriage driven by a peasant who sat behind the horse in the cold and dark outside. Precisely because he sat near the artificial light inside, the rich man missed the panorama of stars outside, a view gloriously manifest to the peasant. In modern times, it seems, as science casts more light on the created world, its shadows further obscure the invisible world beyond.
I am no Luddite who opposes technological change. My laptop computer allows me to access the text of every book I have written in the past twenty years, as well as thousands of notes I have made during that time. Though I am holed up in a mountain retreat, using this same computer I have sent messages to friends in Europe and Asia. I pay my monthly bills electronically. In these and other ways I gratefully enjoy the benefits of technology and science.
Yet I also see dangers in our modern point of view. For one thing, reductionism, the spirit of our age, has the unfortunate effect of, well, reducing things. Science offers a map of the world, something like a topographical map, with colors marking the vegetation zones and squiggly lines tracing the contours of cliffs and hills. When I hike the mountains of Colorado, I rely on such maps. Yet no map of two dimensions, or even three dimensions, can give the full picture. And none can possibly capture the experience of the hike: thin mountain air, a carpet of wildflowers, a ptarmigan’s nest, rivulets of frothy water, a triumphant lunch at the summit. Encounter trumps reduction.
More importantly, the reducers’ approach allows no place for an invisible world. It takes for granted that the world of matter is the sum total of existence.
Of course, an invisible God cannot be examined or tested. Most definitely, God cannot be quantified or reduced. As a result, many people in societies advanced in technology go about their daily lives assuming God does not exist. They stop short at the world that can be reduced and analyzed, their ears sealed against rumors of another world. As Tolstoy said, materialists mistake what limits life for life itself.
(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)