Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと





Thinking about our treatment of children and lovers gave me further appreciation for some biblical metaphors. More than any other word pictures, God chooses “children” and “lovers” to describe our mutual relationship. The Old Testament abounds with husband-bride imagery. God woos people, and dotes on them like a lover doting on his beloved. When they fail to respond, God feels hurt, spurned, like a jilted lover. The New Testament often uses the same imagery, picturing the church as “the bride of Christ.” Shifting metaphors, it also announces that we are God’s children, with all the rights and privileges of worthy heirs. Jesus (the “only begotten” Son of God) came, we’re told, to make possible our adoption as sons and daughters in God’s family. God looks upon us as we might look upon our own child, or our lover. Infinity gives God a capacity we do not have: God can treat all of creation with unrelieved specialness. As I read the Bible, it seems clear that God satisfies an eternal appetite by loving individual human beings. I imagine God views each halting step forward in my spiritual “walk” with the eagerness of a parent watching a child take the very first step. And perhaps, when the secrets of the universe are revealed, we will learn an underlying purpose of parenthood and romantic love. It may be that God has granted us these times of specialness to awaken us to the mere possibility of infinite love. Of that love, our most intimate experiences here on earth are mere glimpses.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)