Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと



 キリストがどのような方であるか、その本当の姿がわかった時、自分の実質もはっきりと見えてきます。主の偉大さがわかると自分の無価値さが新たな洞察をもって見え始めるのです。私たちは神と正面から向き合うまで自分を正しく見ることができません。他の人に目を向けている限り、自らを欺くことになります。いつでも群衆の中から自分より劣っていると思えそうな人を見つけ出し、その人と自分を比較して、自分は大丈夫だと思うのです。その一方で人々の中に自分より優れている人物を見つけると、その人と自分を比較して不安の泥沼に自分を投げ込むようなことをします。劣っている相手を見ると妙な自信を得、自分よりがんばっている人を見ると不安に駆られるというシーソーゲームを繰り返している自分がそこにいるのです。周りの人は自分を測るための確かな基準にはなり得ません。もし自分自身がこの不 確かなものに支配されるなら、私たちは自分の実態を見失うことになります。




 The only time we can begin to see ourselves clearly is when we begin to see Christ for who he really is. As soon as we see his greatness, we begin to see our own inadequacy with new clarity. I never truly see myself until I face God. I can deceive myself as long as I look at other people. I can always find someone in the crowd who looks worse than me, and when I compare myself to that person, I look halfway decent. On the other hand, I can always find a person who looks better than I do, and that throws me into a fit of insecurity. So I find myself on a seesaw between the kind of self-confidence that comes from belittling other people and the kind of insecurity that comes from a covetous heart. Other people are not a reliable standard by which to measure myself, and I am not realistic when I allow them to control my picture of myself.

    When I enter the presence of God and allow him to correct my sight by clearing away all that is in my line of vision except himself, then I see his beauty and my corruption, his purity and my dirtiness, his greatness and my insignificance, his goodness and my selfishness. That is why it can be uncomfortable for me to enter into God’s presence, for I begin to see who I really am; for all of us, that is unpleasant. But I also begin to see what he can do with a life surrendered to him. It is possible for some of his beauty to rub off on me, for his purity to become my purity. He is even able to take away my selfishness and move me out of the insignificance that comes from a self-centered heart and into the center of all that is really important.

    Are you in God’s presence? Do you have his vision of who you are and who you can become? If you do not, you will spend your life being tossed between false confidence and ruthless insecurity, like a leaf in the wind.


(エマオの道で デニス・キンロー /This Day With The Master, Dennis Kinlaw )