Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと



 イエスの死に責任があるのは誰ですか? 私たちキリスト教徒が反ユダヤ主義で非難されることが多いのは、その責任をユダヤ人、特にユダヤ人の指導者に押し付けようとしている(と言われている)からです。しかし、イエスの十字架に対する責任は、どれか一つのグループの人々にというよりも、はるかに広範囲に広がっています。福音書記者たちは、ユダ、祭司、ピラト、群衆、兵士たちが、みなこのドラマで重要な役割を果たしたことを明らかにしています。さらに、それぞれの場合において、動機のヒント以上のものが示唆されています。ユダは貪欲に、祭司たちは妬みに、ピラトは恐怖に、群衆はヒステリーに、兵士たちは冷酷な義務に動かされた。私たちは、自分自身の中に、上記の罪々が同じように存在していることを認識しています。


 しかし、これは人間側の話にすぎません。イエスは、自分の死は自分の自発的な行為であると主張し、そのために自らを引き渡しました。そしていくつかの節では動詞 パラディドーミ が再び現れます。例えば、「神の御子は…私を愛し、私のためにご自身を与えてくださいました」(ガラテヤ2:20)。

 しかし、それでも、考慮すべきもう一つの視点があります。それは、御子を死に渡した父なる神の行動です。例えば、神は「私たちすべてのために、ご自分の御子をさえ惜しむことなく死に渡された神」(ローマ 8:32)と描写されています。



 Who was responsible for Jesus’ death? We Christians are often accused of anti-Semitism because (it is alleged) we try to fasten the blame onto the Jews, especially the Jewish leaders. But responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus is spread much more widely than to a single group of people. The evangelists make it plain that Judas, the priests, Pilate, the crowd, and the soldiers all played a significant part in the drama. Moreover, in each case more than a hint of motivation is suggested. Judas was moved by greed, the priests by envy, Pilate by fear, the crowd by hysteria, and the soldiers by callous duty. We recognize the same mixture of sins in ourselves.

 The same Greek verb is used of each stage. The word is paradidōmi, which can mean to deliver, to hand over, to give up, and even to betray. Thus Judas handed Jesus over to the priests. The priests handed him over to Pilate. Pilate handed him over to the will of the crowd, and the crowd handed him over to be crucified.

 But this is only the human side of the story. Jesus insisted that his death was a voluntary act on his part, so that he handed himself over to it: “No one takes it [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord” (John 10:18). And in some passages the verb paradidōmi reappears. For example, “the Son of God… loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20).

 Still, however, there is one more perspective to consider, namely the action of God the Father in giving up his Son to death. For example, God is described as “he who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all” (Rom. 8:32).

 Finally, there is one passage in which the divine and human aspects of Jesus’ death are brought together. Peter preached, “This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death” (Acts 2:23). Here the death of Jesus is attributed equally to the purpose of God and the wickedness of men. No attempt is made to resolve the paradox. Both statements are true.


(Through The Year With John Stott)翻訳:Google翻訳+Baltan Seijin