Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと









 How can we in the church uphold the ideal of holiness, the proper striving for Life on the Highest Plane, while avoiding the consequences of disillusionment, pettiness, abuse of authority, spiritual pride, and exclusivism?

    Or, to ask the opposite question, how can we moderns who emphasize community support (never judgment), vulnerability, and introspection keep from aiming too low? An individualistic society, America is in constant danger of freedom abuse; its churches are in danger of grace abuse.

    With these questions in mind, I read the New Testament epistles. I took some comfort in the fact that the church in the first century was already on a seesaw, tilting now toward perfectionistic legalism and now toward raucous antinomianism. James wrote to one extreme; Paul often addressed the other. Each letter had a strong correcting emphasis, but all stressed the dual message of the gospel. The church, in other words, should be both: a people who strive toward holiness and yet relax in grace, a people who condemn themselves but not others, a people who depend on God and not themselves.

    The seesaw is still lurching back and forth. Some churches tilt one way, some another. My reading of the epistles left me yearning for a both/and church. I have seen too many either/or congregations.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)