Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと



 妻と私は、「教会」という分類でイエロー ページを調べ、地元の電話帳に記載されている 24 の教会をそれぞれ訪問するという実験をしてみました。説明するのが難しいですが、私は通常、直感で5分以内に会衆の「活気」を感じることができました。玄関ホールで話し声が聞こえるか?笑い声が聞こえるか?週報ではどのような活動や問題が取り上げられているか?驚いたことに、活気という要素は神学とはほとんど関係がありませんでした。最も保守的な2つの教会では、会員たちは席にかがみ込み、不機嫌そうにしていました。非常にリベラルな教会は、地域社会や世界的な支援プログラムに最もエネルギーを発揮しました。私は今、健全な教会に求められる特質について明確に理解しています。

 1. 多様性


  2. 一致

 もちろん、多様性は共通のビジョンを共有する人々のグループでのみ成功します。イエスヨハネ 17 章の偉大な祈りの中で、他の何よりも一つの願いを強調されました。「彼らが一つになるように」ということです。世界中に 38,000 の教派が存在するということは、私たちがイエスの要求をいかに満たしていないかを示しています。おそらく、私が新しい教会を訪れ、その「生命力」を感じたときに感じるのは、この香りの香りなのかもしれません。

 3. 使命



As an experiment, my wife and I decided to go through the Yellow Pages under “Churches” and visit each of the twenty-four listed in our local phone book. With an intuition difficult to explain, I could usually sense the “aliveness” of a congregation within five minutes. Were people conversing in the foyer? Did I hear the sound of laughter? What activities and issues did the bulletin board highlight? To my surprise, the aliveness factor had little to do with theology. In two of the most conservative churches, members slumped to their seats and glumly went through the motions. A very liberal church showed the most energy in community and global outreach programs. I now have a clear picture of the qualities to look for in a healthy church. 1. Diversity. As I read accounts of the New Testament church, no characteristic stands out more sharply than this one. Beginning with Pentecost, the Christian church dismantled the barriers of gender, race, and social class that had marked Jewish congregations. Paul, who as a rabbi had given thanks daily that he was not born a woman, slave, or Gentile, marveled over the radical change: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” When I walk into a new church, the more its members resemble each other, and resemble me, the more uncomfortable I feel. 2. Unity. Of course, diversity only succeeds in a group of people who share a common vision. In his great prayer in John 17, Jesus stressed one request above all others: “that they may be one.” The existence of 38,000 denominations worldwide demonstrates how poorly we have fulfilled Jesus’ request. Perhaps a whiff of this fragrance is what I detect when I visit a new church and sense its “aliveness.” 3. Mission. The church, said Archbishop William Temple, is “the only cooperative society in the world that exists for the benefit of its non-members.” Some churches, especially those located in urban areas, focus on the needs of immediate neighborhoods. Others adopt sister churches in other countries, support relief and development agencies, and send mission teams abroad. Saddest of all are those churches whose vision does not extend beyond their own facility and parking lot.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)