Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと




 多様性は今日も続いています。私はロシア正教の大聖堂に立ち、古スラヴ語の祈りをほとんど理解できなかったにも関わらず涙を流すおばあさんたちを眺めたことがあります。私はシカゴの韓国長老派が賛美歌を歌い、一晩中大声で祈っているのを聞いてきました。アフリカ系アメリカ人の教会の中には、大きな「アーメン!」「さあ、聞いてください、主よ!」の連発のために祈りの言葉がほとんど聞こえないところもあります。 日本では、会衆の祈りの際、全員が声を出して一斉に祈ります。ドイツにある中国系家庭教会の会員たちは母国の厳格な慣習を引き継ぎ、断食しながら3日間連続で祈ることもある。ウクライナでは礼拝者が立って祈ります。アフリカでは彼らは踊ります。


Apart from the requirement that we be authentic before God, there is no prescribed way to pray. Each of us presents a unique mix of personality, outlook, training, gifts, and weaknesses, as well as a unique history with church and with God. As Roberta Bondi says, “If you are praying, you are already ‘doing it right.’ ” Over the years the church has repeatedly shifted its emphasis in prayer. Early Christians prayed for strength and courage. Then the state church composed majestic prayers. The Middle Ages stressed penitence and a plea for mercy. Later, Anselm and Bernard of Clairvaux led a rediscovery of the love and mercy of God, and St. Francis called forth a carefree joy. Meister Eckhart, Teresa of Avila, and the Quaker George Fox explored the interior, mystical silence of the heart while Brother Lawrence practiced God’s presence in mundane work. Luther steered toward practical devotion, even as Calvin emphasized the majesty of God. The diversity continues today. I have stood in a Russian Orthodox cathedral and watched grandmothers weep though they understood barely a word of the Old Slavonic prayers. I have listened as Korean Presbyterians in Chicago sang hymns and prayed loudly through the night. In some African-American churches, you can barely hear the prayer for all the cries of “Amen!” and “Now listen, Lord!” In Japan, during congregational prayer, everyone prays at once, aloud. Members of a Chinese house church in Germany continue the stringent practices of the mother country, sometimes praying three days straight while fasting. In Ukraine worshipers stand to pray; in Africa they dance.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)