Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと








I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:4, 6
 Have you ever wished you could get rid of all your fears? I once thought that if I were a real Christian, I would have no fears. I also once thought that as I grew older, I would have fewer and fewer fears. I have found that this is not true. What then should I do with my fears?
    The psalmist sought the Lord, and the Lord delivered him out of all his troubles. The Hebrew word for trouble, megurah, has in it the idea of dread and terror. It is the kind of pressure that takes one’s breath away. That is what fear does to us.
    The psalmist found help. It is significant that he did not seek to get rid of his fears. Rather, he sought the Lord. When he found the Lord, he also found that the Lord could break the smothering hold that fear could have on him. I love the realism of the Scripture. It never says that believers, young or old, will get to the place where they have no fears. It tells us, though, where to get relief. If we turn to the Lord, we will find that he can break the constricting hold of our dreads and set us free to actually embrace them. He does not want to save us from all of the storms of life. He wants to save us in those storms, for it is there that we find we cannot afford to live without him. The storms can drive us to his breast. Then we can give thanks for the storm because in it we found him.


(エマオの道で デニス・キンロー /This Day With The Master, Dennis Kinlaw )