Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと



 新約聖書では御霊の実は“キリストに似る”ことです。(イザヤ書 5 章を参照。ガラテヤ 5:22–23。コロサイ 1:10。)では、実り豊かな秘訣は何でしょうか?




 「私のうちにとどまりなさい。私にしがみついて。しっかりと私にくっついてください。私と親密で親密な交わりの人生を生きてください。どんどん私に近づいてください。すべての重荷を私に押し付けてください。あなたの全体重を私の上に置いてください。一瞬たりとも私から手を離さないでください。」(ここでの“私”はイエス・キリストのこと 訳者注) the New Testament the fruit of the Spirit is Christlikeness. See Isaiah 5; Galatians 5:22–23; and Colossians 1:10. What, then, are the secrets of fruitfulness?

The first is the pruning of the vine. God is an indefatigable gardener. He prunes every fruit-bearing branch so that it may bear more fruit. This pruning is surely a picture of suffering. And pruning is a drastic process. The bush or shrub is cut right back, usually in the autumn. To the uninitiated it looks extremely cruel. Sometimes only a stump is left – naked, jagged, scarred, and mutilated – but when the spring and summer return, there is much fruit. The painful pruning knife has evidently been in safe hands. Some form of suffering is virtually indispensable to holiness.

The second secret of fruitfulness is the “abiding” of the branches in the vine. In essence to be a Christian is to be “in Christ,” organically united to Christ. So to abide in Christ is to maintain and develop an already existing relationship. Moreover, it is a reciprocal relationship, since we abide in Christ and Christ in us. For Christ to abide in us we must let him do so, allowing him to be increasingly what he is, our Lord and our Life Giver.
 But for us to abide in Christ, Bishop J. C. Ryle put it like this:

  Abide in me. Cling to me. Stick fast to me. Live the life of close and intimate communion with me. Get nearer and nearer to me. Roll every burden on me. Cast your whole weight on me. Never let go your hold on me for a moment.


(Through the year with John Scott)翻訳:Google翻訳+Balkan Seijun