Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと









 God often does his work through “holy fools,” dreamers who strike out in ridiculous faith, whereas I approach my own decisions with calculation and restraint. In fact, a curious law of reversal seems to apply in matters of faith. The modern world honors intelligence, good looks, confidence, and sophistication. God, apparently, does not. Instead God often relies on simple, uneducated people who don’t know any better than to trust God, and through them wonders happen. The least gifted person can become a master in prayer, because prayer requires only an intense desire to spend time with God.

    My church in Chicago, a delightful mixture of races and economic groups, once scheduled an all-night vigil of prayer during a major crisis. Several people voiced concern. Was it safe, given our inner-city neighborhood? Should we hire guards or escorts for the parking lot? What if no one showed up? At length we discussed the practicality of the event.

    The poorest members of the congregation, a group of senior citizens from a housing project, responded the most enthusiastically to the prayer vigil. I could not help wondering how many of their prayers had gone unanswered over the years—they lived in the projects, after all, amid crime, poverty, and suffering—yet still they showed a childlike trust in the power of prayer. “How long do you want to stay—an hour or two?” we asked, thinking of the logistics of van shuttles. “Oh, we’ll stay all night,” they replied.

    One African-American woman in her nineties, who walked with a cane and could barely see, explained to a staff member why she wanted to spend the night sitting on the hard pews of a church in an unsafe neighborhood. “You see, they’s lots of things we can’t do in this church. We ain’t so educated, and we ain’t got as much energy as some of you younger folks. But we can pray. We got time, and we got faith. Some of us don’t sleep much anyway. We can pray all night if needs be.”

    And so they did. Meanwhile, a bunch of yuppies in a downtown church learned an important lesson: faith appears where least expected and falters where it should be thriving.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)