Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと








 暗く不安な時期に遭遇したとき、イースターの土曜日に日々を過ごすことを思い出すのは良いことです。使徒パウロが表現したように、「今の私たちの苦しみは、将来私たちに現されるであろう栄光に比べれば、取るに足りないものだと思います」(ローマ人への手紙 8:18)。ローマ兵がイエスを逮捕しようと武器を構えているときでさえ、イエスが「私は世に勝った」という勝利の言葉を語ったのは偶然ではなかったと私は信じています。エスは未来によって現在を判断する方法を知っていました。



 A wise man named Joe Bayly once said, “Don’t forget in the darkness what you have learned in the light.” Yet sometimes the darkness descends so thickly that we can barely remember the light. Surely it seemed that way to Jesus’ disciples.

    During the Last Supper Jesus made the ringing declaration, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). At that moment, eleven of the twelve would gladly have given their lives for him; later that evening Simon Peter actually pulled a sword in Jesus’ defense.

    Yet by the next day all eleven had lost faith. Those triumphant words from the previous night must have cruelly haunted them as they watched him—safely, at a distance—anguish on the cross. It appeared as though the world had overcome God. All of them slipped away in the darkness. Peter swore with an oath he’d never known the man.

    The disciples’ problem, of course, was a matter of perspective. Yes, the memory of light from the past had been extinguished, but a few days later those same men would encounter the dazzling light of Easter. On that day, they learned that no darkness is too great for God. They learned what it means to judge the present by the future. Ignited by Easter hope, those former cowards went out and changed the world.

    Today half the world celebrates the back-to-back holidays Good Friday and Easter. That darkest Friday is now called Good because of what happened on Easter Sunday; and because it happened Christians have hope that God will someday restore this planet to its proper place under God’s reign.

    It is a good thing to remember, when we encounter dark, disturbing times, that we live out our days on Easter Saturday. As the apostle Paul expressed it, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). It was no accident, I believe, that Jesus spoke his triumphant words, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD, even as Roman soldiers were buckling on weapons for his arrest. He knew how to judge the present by the future.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)