Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと








 The name “Judas,” once common, has all but disappeared. No parent wants to name a child after the most notorious traitor in history. And yet now, to my own surprise, as I read the Gospel accounts it is Judas’s ordinariness, not his villainy, that stands out. The Gospels contain no hint that Judas had been a “mole” infiltrating the inner circle to plan this perfidy. How, then, could Judas betray the Son of God? Even as I ask the question I think of the remaining disciples fleeing from Jesus in Gethsemane and of Peter swearing, “I don’t know the man!” when pressured in a courtyard and of the Eleven stubbornly refusing to believe reports of Jesus’ resurrection. Judas’s act of betrayal differed in degree, but not in kind, from many other disloyalties.

    Judas was not the first or the last person to betray Jesus, merely the most famous. Shusaku Endo, the Christian novelist in Japan, centered many of his novels on the theme of betrayal. To Endo, the most powerful message of Jesus was his unquenchable love even for—especially for—people who betrayed him. When Judas led a lynch mob into the garden, Jesus addressed him as “Friend.” The other disciples deserted him but still he loved them. His nation had him executed; yet while stretched out naked in the posture of ultimate disgrace, Jesus roused himself for the cry, “Father, forgive them.”

   I know of no more poignant contrast between two human destinies than that of Peter and Judas. Both assumed leadership within the group of Jesus’ disciples. Both saw and heard wondrous things. Both went through the same dithery cycle of hope, fear, and disillusionment. As the stakes increased, both denied their Master. There, the similarity breaks off. Judas, remorseful but apparently unrepentant, accepted the logical consequences of his deed, took his own life, and went down as the greatest traitor in history. He died unwilling to receive what Jesus had come to offer him. Peter, humiliated but still open to Jesus’ message of grace and forgiveness, went on to lead a revival in Jerusalem and did not stop until he had reached Rome.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)