Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと




 それぞれの位格(人格)は相手の位格(人格)の中に宿っていて、もし私たちが御子を知ることができれば御父を知ることになり、御霊を知ることができたら御子を知ることになります。別々の人格でありながら、それほどに他の存在の中に深く入り込んでおり、関わっているのです。これが愛です。 キリスト教の神はアラーの神のように人格的性質の一つに愛があるのではなく、その全人格が愛です。愛はアラーにとっては一つの行動に過ぎないのですが、神にとってはその本質です。




I wish I could adequately illustrate the interdependence of the different persons of the Trinity. Let me say this. The love between the Father, Son, and Spirit is the kind of love in which their chief delight and fulfillment is found in each other. That is the essence of their relationship.

    They so co-inhere within each other that if you know one person of God, you know all three persons and have found all that God is. Co-inherence is their essence. Love is their character. The Christian God is not like Allah, who loves only on occasion. The Lord God is love. What to Allah is an action, to Yahweh is his essence and nature.

    It would be impossible for God to be love if it were not for the Trinity. For before the creation, whom could he have loved? Love is when we find our joy in another, our fulfillment in another, and our delight in another. This tri-unity of persons existed before the beginning of all time and space; before there was any creation, God was, he is, and he ever shall be love.

    This personal character of God and the personal character of Christianity, along with its emphasis on faith, means that God does not desire primarily obedience from us. If he wanted servile obedience, he could force it. What he really desires from us is that we should love him so much that he is our joy, our delight, and our fulfillment.


(エマオの道で デニス・キンロー /This Day With The Master, Dennis Kinlaw )