Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと



 これだけ学問的研究がなされているにもかかわらず、イエスに関する基本的な情報がまだ不足しています。 4つの福音書は彼の人生の10分の9をスキップします。彼の青年期のシーンを 1 つだけで、学校教育についての記事は皆無です。家族生活の詳細は非常に乏しいため、学者たちは兄弟姉妹が何人いたのかについて未だに議論しています。現代の読者にとって不可欠であると考えられている伝記の事実には、福音書の著者たちはまったく関心がありませんでした。また、私たちはイエスの姿や身長、目の色についても何も知りません。


Despite a preponderance of scholarship, we still lack certain basic information about Jesus. The four gospels skip over nine-tenths of his life. We have only one scene from his adolescence and know nothing about his schooling. Details of his family life are so scant that scholars still debate how many brothers and sisters he had. The facts of biography considered essential to modern readers simply did not concern the gospel writers. We also know nothing about Jesus’ shape or stature or eye color.

Virtually everyone suggested he was tall (unlikely for a first-century Jew), most said handsome, and no one said overweight. I showed a BBC film on the life of Christ that featured a fat actor in the title role, and some in the class found it offensive. We prefer a tall, handsome, and above all slender Jesus.

In all the Bible I can find only one physical description of sorts, a prophecy written hundreds of years before Christ’s birth. Here is Isaiah’s portrayal, in the midst of a passage that the New Testament applies to the life of Jesus:

He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.

Evidently, our glamorized representations of Jesus say more about us than about him.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)