Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと







 The Hebrew culture seems to have had an obsession with the subject of sin. They emphasized it not because they were a morbid people, but because they saw much more clearly than we see. From their perspective sin separated the sinner from God. The Pentateuch teaches that sin destroys one’s relationship with God. It was just that simple and that radical.

    The Old Testament is very clear that when people sin, it cuts them off from God. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were told by God to eat anything they wanted. Eden was intended for their pleasure and enjoyment; there was only one tree of which they were instructed not to eat. The forbidden tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, was the snare Satan used to cause humanity to enter into a world of sin. The rest of the story is history. God banished Adam and Eve from the garden and from his presence. They got what they wanted, and they lost what they needed. This is the story of sin.

    You and I desperately need God. From him flows all that is good, true, and right. All good has its origin in God himself, and it must be maintained in him or else it will become defiled and corrupt. We do not have the option to take the goods and separate them from his presence. There is no good away from him.


(エマオの道で デニス・キンロー /This Day With The Master, Dennis Kinlaw )