Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと





    イエスは、神があなたから闇を取り除くことができない場合もあるが、神を信頼すべきだと言いました。時々、神は不親切な友人のように見えることがありますが、そうではありません。彼は不自然な父親のように見えるかもしれませんが、そうではありません。彼は不当な裁判官のように見えるでしょうが、そうではありません。すべてのものの強さと成長の背後には神の心があるという考えを持ち続けてください。神の意志が背後にない限り、人生のほんの些細なことさえも起こりません。したがって、あなたは神を完全に信頼して休むことができます。祈りは単に尋ねることではなく、尋ねることが完全に自然であるという雰囲気を作り出す心の態度です。 「求めなさい。そうすれば与えられるでしょう」(マタイ 7:7)。


 Jesus is laying down the rules of conduct in this passage for those people who have His Spirit. He urges us to keep our minds filled with the concept of God’s control over everything, which means that a disciple must maintain an attitude of perfect trust and an eagerness to ask and to seek.  

   Fill your mind with the thought that God is there. And once your mind is truly filled with that thought, when you experience difficulties it will be as easy as breathing for you to remember, “My heavenly Father knows all about this!” This will be no effort at all, but will be a natural thing for you when difficulties and uncertainties arise. Before you formed this concept of divine control so powerfully in your mind, you used to go from person to person seeking help, but now you go to God about it. Jesus is laying down the rules of conduct for those people who have His Spirit, and it works on the following principle: God is my Father, He loves me, and I will never think of anything that He will forget, so why should I worry?

   Jesus said there are times when God cannot lift the darkness from you, but you should trust Him. At times God will appear like an unkind friend, but He is not; He will appear like an unnatural father, but He is not; He will appear like an unjust judge, but He is not. Keep the thought that the mind of God is behind all things strong and growing. Not even the smallest detail of life happens unless God’s will is behind it. Therefore, you can rest in perfect confidence in Him. Prayer is not only asking, but is an attitude of the mind which produces the atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural. “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7).


(My Utmost For His Highest, Oswald Chambers)翻訳: Google翻訳+Baltan Seijin