Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと



 旧約聖書では、忠実な信者たちは苦難に見舞われたときショックを受けたようでした。彼らは神が自分たちの忠実さに繁栄と安らぎで報いてくれると期待していました。しかし、新約聖書では驚くべき変化が見られます。ペテロは苦しんでいるクリスチャンにこう助言しています。「この苦しみは、神が与えてくださった務めでもあるのです。あなたがたのために苦しまれたキリスト様が模範です。この方について行きなさい」(ペテロ第一 2:21 リビング・バイブル)。


 第二次世界大戦中に従軍牧師を務めたハリー・ボーアは、太平洋戦域で海兵隊員とともに戦争の最後の日々を過ごしました。彼は、次のように書き残しています。「第 2 師団は多くの戦闘を経験し、大きな損失を被りました。しかし、私は一瞬でも戦争の結果を疑う兵士や士官に会ったことはありません。また、勝利が確実なら、なぜすぐに勝利できないのかと尋ねる海兵隊員にも会ったことがありません。敵が諦めるまで頑張り通せばいいだけの話です。




    In the Old Testament, faithful believers seemed shocked when suffering came their way. They expected God to reward their faithfulness with prosperity and comfort. But the New Testament shows a remarkable change. As Peter advised suffering Christians, “This suffering is all part of the work God has given you. Christ, who suffered for you, is your example. Follow in his steps” (1 Peter 2:21 LB).

    Other passages go further, using phrases I will not attempt to explain. Paul speaks of “sharing in his [Christ’s] sufferings” and says he hopes to “fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regards to Christ’s afflictions.”

    Harry Boer, a chaplain during World War II, spent the final days of that war among marines in the Pacific Theater. “The Second Division saw much action, with great losses,” he writes. “Yet I never met an enlisted man or an officer who doubted for a moment the outcome of the war. Nor did I ever meet a marine who asked why, if victory was so sure, we couldn’t have it immediately. It was just a question of slogging through till the enemy gave up.”

   According to Paul, at the cross Christ triumphed over the cosmic powers—defeating them not with power but with self-giving love. The cross of Christ may have assured the final outcome, but battles remain for us to fight. Significantly, Paul prayed “to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings”—embracing both the agony and the ecstasy of Christ’s life on earth (Philippians 3:10).

    We will never know, in this life, the full significance of our actions here, for much takes place invisible to us. When a pastor in an oppressive country goes to prison for his peaceful protest, when a social worker moves into an urban ghetto, when a couple refuses to give up on a difficult marriage, when a parent waits with undying hope and forgiveness for the return of an estranged child, when a young professional resists mounting temptations toward wealth and success—in all these sufferings, large and small, there is the assurance of a deeper level of meaning, of a sharing in Christ’s own redemptive victory.


(Grace Notes, Philip Yancey より抜粋 翻訳:Google翻訳➕Balten Seijin)