Balten Seijin の今日のひとこと





 彼女はその質問をまるで非難するかのように私に投げかけました。私は後ろめたさを感じながら、「実はそうなんだよ」と答えました。 彼女は私の方を見て言いました。 「デニス、あなたは私から特権を取り上げようというの? 暗やみの中でもイエスさまと共に歩むことができるのよ。暗やみの中で学んだ秘訣があるの。それは目が見える間は決して学べなかった秘訣なの」




If I say. “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. Psalm 139:11 – 12
 I had a dear friend who had been a Methodist minister’s wife. Her husband had died early, and she had become a Christian after he died. She was a soul-winner and a passionate lover of Jesus. One day I heard that she was losing her eyesight, so I made a trip to see her. I had been in her apartment for about seven minutes before she shocked me with a question. “Dennis, you came to comfort me, didn’t you?”  

    She asked the question like it was an accusation, and I knew I was guilty, so I said, “Yes, I did.” She looked at me and said, “Dennis, would you deprive me of the privilege of walking with Christ in the dark? There are secrets I can learn in the dark that I could never learn in the light.”

    Not too long after our conversation, she regained her sight, and then she lost it totally. But when she walked into total darkness, she walked into darkness while embracing it because she did not walk alone.

    God gives us songs in the midst of our trials and teaches us lessons in the storm that we could never learn in the sunshine. If you have the eternal God with you, you have the source of all goodness, and if you have the fountainhead of all goodness with you, what else do you need?


(エマオの道で デニス・キンロー /This Day With The Master, Dennis Kinlaw )