the measure of your future
zechariah 4
“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6
The measure of our potential future, though, is never found in these. He can forgive our failures, and he can give us the same Holy Spirit that was the key to the life of Christ. We do not need to live in defeat.
Zechariah 4 explains that our effectiveness is not determined by our gifts and abilities. When the prophet says, “Not by might nor by power,” he uses two Hebrew words that occur in the Old Testament to cover all human resources. One is used to speak of human strength, human ability, and personal power. The other is defined as strength, valor, efficiency, wealth, and military force. What God wants to achieve in our lives is determined not by our capabilities but by his. That is why the prophet speaks of the Spirit, for it is the Spirit who releases in our lives the very fullness of God himself.
The prophet Zechariah saw the way. The Holy Spirit is the one who can cause the light of the gospel to shine through us and penetrate the darkness of the world. Oh, may we be open to receive him and let him do his work through us!
(エマオの道で デニス・キンロー/ This Day With The Master, Dennis Kinlaw )